
We are 100% volunteer organization that is entirely run by time donated by our members and volunteers. We do not get paid for our project or for our time on different projects. Our mission is to become self sustainable by volunteering our time and generous donations from our partners, friends and community members who trust in our mission, projects and progress. We are very grateful for your support and generous donation.

You can donate individually towards each project or to the organization. We are very grateful to individual donors, sponsors and businesses for partnering with us on our mission to empower, educate and provide humanitarian aid. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about our projects.

Thank You.
Phone: 801-899-9682

Donate to the Feed the Streets Outreach
Donate Button with Credit Cards

Donate to the Pet Outreach
Donate Button with Credit Cards

Donate to the CausePlay Team
Donate Button with Credit Cards



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