Core Members

“At Legacy Initiative, we work as a team and believe in extending our support to each other to achieve the mission and vision of the organization. Meet our team” –

image1Tedd Mills

Vice President (March 2012 – December 2015)

President (December 2015 – present)

Role – My role with the organization is to lead by example and assist others in achieving their goals and desires as well as help people to fulfill their potential.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I have been volunteering with Legacy since March 2012. I was honored to be a part of the initial meeting and helping to start this wonderful organization. Honestly, I started doing this for selfish reasons. The feelings that I felt in service to others gave me a high that I could not replicate in my life and I needed it as well. I enjoy serving others and having fun! At almost all events we have music and food so that the work doesn’t just become that. I am forever grateful that Legacy has come into my life and will always be a part of my life. I LOVE it! Thank you.”

TracyMangumTracy Mangum

Humanitarian Services Co-Director

November 2014 – August 2017

Role – I lead the monthly street outreaches for Legacy Initiative. During our monthly street outreach we provide food, water, hygiene stuff and other essentials depending on the time of the year. My role is to find the needs of our friends on streets during these outreaches and other humanitarian activities we do through legacy e.g. (HOST, etc), and to explore how our organization can support and meet their needs. If you want to support the needs of the individuals and the families we work with at 1-1 or want to support our monthly street outreach please feel free to reach me directly at

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I have always wanted to help more in the community, but never knew how to get involved. Working with the Legacy Initiative has changed my life, as I help people directly, and not through an agency. I see the smiles of people as they receive a warm meal; I hear their sincere thank you’s as they receive a bottle of water on a hot summer day. I experience firsthand gratitude for a warm blanket on a snowy day. As an individual, I can connect and make a difference in the lives of others, and enrich my own at the same time. The people I serve, and the people I serve with at Legacy have become family, and I am forever grateful.”

Jennifer BrownJennifer Brown

Humanitarian Services Director

December 2014 – May 2018

Role – I am the director of the humanitarian services.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I got involved with Legacy Initiative three years ago. I saw a friend of mine who participated in a Feed the Streets outreach and my curiosity was peaked. The next month I chose to attend. I stayed until the end and offered my help to clean-up. The leadership introduced themselves to me and I felt an instant connection. It was suggested that I participate the next month at the kitchen where the burritos are made from scratch and then taken to be distributed at the Feed the Streets. From then on, I have attended each month, as well as become a part of several other teams within the organization.”
Jennifer MacDuff
December 2016 – present
Role – Legacy Initiative Treasurer
How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“As The Legacy Initiative Treasurer, Jennifer has enjoyed performing outreach work to those experiencing homelessness. She began outreach work at the age of nine with her father, Gary.  She discovered Legacy several years ago after responding to a Facebook post asking for donations of toys and blankets during the Christmas Season. She is also actively involved in the Development and Resources Team, as well as, the Blue Team within Legacy.  Jennifer looks forward to the monthly burrito outreach, along with additional service events hosted by other Legacy friends, whom she considers her family.”


stephan2Stephan Heard (Phoenix)

Writer/Editor in Chief/Advocate

January 2015 – present

Role – I am a writer and a social activist. I write for Legacy Initiative. I share my experience during our street outreach and humanitarian work through my writings. I also solicit submissions about the experiences of others. If you have volunteered with us and want to share your experience please send it to us at

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I became involved with Legacy because I felt they could benefit from my talents and my desire to help the homeless population by doing service/humanitarian work with them. I have many reasons for being inspired to do the kind of service work I do, one being that I feel it is one’s moral duty and obligation to improve the well-being of others in whatever way possible, and that we should not allow others to be oppressed and marginalized by society. I seek to do this with my advocating, outreach work, and writing. I do this work, then, because I have no other choice: I feel it is the right thing to do and will continue to do this work as long as I can”.

473277_10151585287615100_982026211_oTanushree Biswas (2013- 2016)
Organization/Project Development Director

June 2014 – November 2016

Role – I play multiple roles in the organization depending on the need e.g.., fund raising, grant writing, networking, organizational, communication, website etc. Most predominantly, I assist in developing projects and partnerships with other organizations and individuals with  similar visions to serve and create a healthy thriving community.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I learnt about Legacy through my friend Leo. I am a scientist, a student and a social  entrepreneur at heart. I like to solve problems using knowledge, facts and creativity. Legacy Initiative gives me the opportunity to understand and address some of the real life challenges in our society on ground. I am often overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem and inspired to witness how thoughtfulness, compassion, creative thinking and like mindedness can ease out a big percentage of that problem. I feel fortunate to play a role in that process. It reaffirms my trust in humanity and belief that ROME was not built in a day. It let’s me address the immediate needs of the homeless and simultaneously take baby steps to find solutions to the problem. Meeting the basic human need for food, water, and shelter is crucial before teaching someone to fish.  Legacy Initiative gives me a holistic and enriching  experience to  assist someone in all of the above, and I absolutely love it.”  

1017704_10200884783900070_59493976_nDarren Lamb, Red Team Leader

2013 – August 2017

Role – The Red Team provides safety to the homeless by patrolling and finding areas where the homeless camp, then ensuring they have the necessary items like blankets, cold weather clothing, food and water.  We track homeless camps gps locations so we know where to best do our outreaches, and connect with those we are trying to serve. If you would like to donate necessary items to individuals or families living in homeless camps please contact our humanitarian services team.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I became involved with the Legacy Initiative when they did their first Superheroes and Burritos event in 2013. Since then I’ve learned a lot about the city I call home.  Legacy has introduced me to a whole new group of people I’m proud to call friends.  It has also taught me that those who seem to have the least are the ones who often give the most”.

SusanSusan Christensen


January 2015 – August 2017

Role – Volunteer, secretarial and whatever help the organization needs to fulfill its activities.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“I was introduced to the organization by Darren Lamb. I initially spent most of my time with the Cause Play team. I’ve since discovered how much help is really needed in the homeless community and other struggling populations of Salt Lake City. I now volunteer wherever I feel I’m needed most and I am happy to take on different roles. Legacy Initiative has shown me how acts of service can not only change lives, but help improve my own. It has changed my life for the better, and I’ve met some lifelong friends that bring me happiness and inspiration on a daily basis.”

Janis Moore

Assistant Team Leader/Team Leader Development and Resources/Senior Services

August 2014 – present

Role – I assist the Development and Resources team in organising fund-raising events, obtaining non-monetary donations and ensuring that they are made available for distribution. I am also the team leader for the Senior Services Program.I gather information about seniors and arrange assistance for seniors in need.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“Almost 2 years ago I saw a shared post about Legacy Initiative helping people who lost their homes to a condo fire in Magna and was impressed how quickly they were responding to the needs of the families. I knew I wanted to be a part of it and signed on. I wanted to be a part of helping others and paying forward the gift of friendship and help I had received in my life. Since I have volunteered, I have met the most selfless, compassionate and amazing people”.

IMG_1852Marla Williamson

Social Media Manager

2014 – present

Role – I assist in keeping the members and volunteers of the organisation updated about our events through social media like facebook, twitter and instagram.

How and why did you get involved with Legacy?

“The kindness of others has gotten me through various difficulties in my life. Reflecting on all that I have reminds me that not everyone is as fortunate. Serving others has always been important to me and being with Legacy Initiative has given me that opportunity. I am constantly inspired by the members of this organization. I am also inspired by those who find their inner strength during some of their darkest days”.

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