Feed the Streets Outreach

UPDATE 08-30-2018:

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: The Legacy Initiative and The Burrito Project are proud to announce a community partnership to continue our efforts in serving those who are currently experiencing homelessness in our community. We look forward to working together in a collaborative effort toward shared objectives with our volunteer base in our community. Please feel free to utilize their sign ups if you’re interested in serving. https://www.facebook.com/groups/BurritoProjectSLC/
We look forward to continuing our service in our community together. Thank you for your continued service and support.


Every 1st Saturday of each month the humanitarian services team meets with its volunteers at a commercial kitchen at 8:30 AM to assemble burritos and organize the necessary supplies. The kitchen crew is later joined by the street crew led by experienced squad leaders at 1:00 PM to distribute burritos, drinks, hygiene supplies and other essentials to our brothers and sisters who are experiencing homelessness. We have been doing this outreach activity over the past three and a half years and counting The burritos are freshly prepared on Saturday morning with freshly cooked mixture of pinto and black beans, cheese and green sauce. Every month it is a huge endeavor and we are grateful for all the support and donations we have received from the community in the form of tortillas, beans, cheese, green sauce, fruit, water, etc. to make this project successful. In the winter we try to provide hot chocolate, warm clothing, and blankets along with burritos.

If you are interested in participating in our “Feed the Streets” outreach please sign up via the signup genius link or contact:


outreach@legacyinitiative.org or tedd@legacyinitiative.org

Thank You
